...Or have movies gotten really bad? I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that the last movie I saw in the theatres that I really liked was Dark Knight (which still amazes me).
Harry Potter was alright, but I understand that if I read the book again I would hate it. Which makes me want to read the book again.
GI Joe was really bad. Especially for those of us that loved GI Joe back in the day. And someone that loved the old show please tell me why they didn't do a public service announcement at the end? It is absurd! I mean, how EASY would it have been to do a 20 second "knowing is half the battle" thing at the end for the old fans? And Transformers 2 was an insult to humanity. 'nuff said.
Same thing is happening with video games. And I've heard a theory about this. Apparently a lot of directors and studios and stuff are all about making these sequels and things because it cuts way back on their advertising costs. GI Joe and Transformers 2 were essentially guaranteed to make money so... What's the point in actually making art?
And my hopes were so high. Star Trek, the new batman movies, Casino Royale... I mean, they brought back some old stuff and did the old "origin" movie thing and they have been AWESOME. And others have seen the cash come in and they are all about that so here come more and more movies that aren't worth half of what they make us pay for them now.
Ugh, I'm going to go read a book. By the way, if District 9 is bad I may never ever see another movie in the theatre. Ever.
Caution-- to the wind!
15 years ago
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