I have come to the conclusion that I do a poor job of keeping people updated with my life. There are probably members of my family who are not aware of whether I have graduated or not. I'm sure very few people know that I am applying to seminary. Even fewer know of how I spend my time, what my hobbies are, what books I love, etc.
I cannot blame my friends or family. How would they know? Enter the blog.
I doubt that many people will actually read this. Maybe someone will come across this five months from now and be wildly entertained by what will end up being a conversation with myself. Even that may be overly optimistic. Oh well, nothing ventured..
As to the title of the blog. I attended a Christian leadership conference called Catalyst in October of 2007. A pastor named Francis Chan spoke at this conference. His message was moving. One of the most challenging aspects was how he embraced Jeremiah 1:5. It was not arrogance. He would never claim to be capable of accomplishing the tasks the Lord has asked of him without divine assistance. But Pastor Chan was so confident in the power of his God that he embraced the challenge before him. In fact, his only true fear seemed to be whether or not he would be worthy of having been set apart.
I was set apart just like Francis Chan. Do I approach the throne of the Father like that man? No. But I am trying, and I believe that my struggle honors God. And if I can be a man with half as much courage and honesty, I will be a good man indeed.
Added is a brief clip of Pastor Chan's message for your enjoyment: I'm the link. Cheers.
Caution-- to the wind!
15 years ago